
  • English


  • Grammar
  • Tense

The past simple


The past simple is used to talk about completed actions that happened at fixed time in the past.It is the most commonly used past tense in English.

How to form

Subject past verb rest of sentence
I/You/He/She/We/They played tennis yesterday.

present participle spelling rules

wash dance try stop
  last letter is an e last letters are a consonant and a y last letters are consonant-vowel-consonant and final syllable is stressed.
Add ed to form regular present participles just a d is added The y is removed and ied is added instead The last consonant is doubled and ed is added.
washed danced tried stopped

Irregular verbs in the past simple

go have do put come see buy
went had did put came saw bought


Be in the past simple

subject + was/were + rest of sentence

the past simple negative

the past simple negative uses did not or didn't with the base form of the main verb. The main verb is not put into the past simple.

subject didn't go swimming.

the past simple negaive of be

To form the past simple negative of be, not is added after was or were.

The book was interesting,but the movie was not.

past simple question

Questions in the past simple are used did.For past simple questions with be, the subject and the verb (was,were) are swapped around.


  • They bought a new car -> Did they buy a new car?
  • She visited her parents last week -> Who did she visit last week ?
  • She was excited. -> Was she excited ?