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Host of companies launch plant-based meat

Since plant-based(adj|以植物为基础的) meat producer(n|电影制片人,制作公司) Beyond(prep|超出,在更远处|adv|超出,在更远处) Meat listed in the United States in 2019, enterprises(n|企业单位,公司) for alternative(n|可供选择的食物|adj|可供选择的,可供替代的) proteins(n|蛋白质|adj|蛋白质的) have been booming(adj|快速增长的) around the world.

Modern Meat, founded in 2019, is a plant-based alternative meat company headquartered(vt,vi|设立总部) in Vancouver, Canada. Their plant-based meat products such as burgers(n|汉堡包), crabcakes and meatballs are made of ingredients(n|(烹饪的)原料,(构成的)要素) such as pea(n|豌豆) protein, chickpea(n|鹰嘴豆) flour(n|面粉|v|撒上粉), mushrooms(n|蘑菇|v|迅速发展|vi|采蘑菇) and brown rice. The company also produces plant-based seasonings(n|调味品,佐料).

Meanwhile(adv|同时,于此同时|n|期间), Israel’s alternative protein sector(n|行业,战区,防区) has experienced its biggest investment year on record.

MeaTech 3D is an international food company based in Rehovot, southern(adj|南方的|n|南方人) Israel and is a leader in the field of 3D bioprinting cultured(n|文化|v|培养) meat. It has developed a new technology that can produce complex meat products with pinpoint(v|准确地解释或说明|adj|精确的|n|针尖) precision(n|精确) without affecting cell viability(n|生存能力), which is a breakthrough in the mass(n|大量|v|聚集|adj|大量的) production of cell-based meat.

Another Israeli company, Savor-Eat, uses 3D printing technology to produce plant-based meat. Its burgers are made with a combination of potato, chickpea and pea protein. Last year, it launched a plant-based burger system to provide customized patties(n|肉饼) for each customer. Customers can order their burgers with different ingredients at a 3D printer.

Wang Fengzhong, director of the Chinese Academy’s Agricultural(adj|农业的) Sciences’ Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology, said Israel’s development in cell-based meat can be an example for China, which has just started scientific research projects in the sector.

In recent years, several domestic(adj|国产的,家庭的|n|家仆,家庭纷争) startups joined the cell-based proteins sector.

CellX is a cellular agriculture company based in Shanghai, which develops cultivated(v|种植,栽培) meat products. Founded in 2020, the company said it has developed several cell-based meat products including structured meat produced by 3D bioprinting. Now the company is working to scale up production and reduce costs.

Similar to CellX, cultured meat companies such as Joes Future Food in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, and Hong Kong’s Avant Meats respectively(adv|各自,分别,独自) obtained(v|获取,赢得,取得) financing worth tens of millions of yuan in 2021, according to China Food News.

For plant-based meat, many products developed by domestic companies are popular choices in the market.

In 2020, Be&Cheery, a popular snack(n|零食,小吃,快餐) brand(n|品牌,烙印|v|给...打上烙印) in China, launched plant-based meat products including packages of smoked sausages(n|香肠) and spicy(adj|辛辣的,有风味的) beef.

Another plant-based food company Hey Maet debuted(n|初次登场|v|初次露面|adj|首次的) its first product, a plant-based meat zongzi, at the Dragon Boat Festival in 2020. The company has launched a variety of best-selling products such as burgers, steamed buns and soup dumplings in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.